Thursday, July 21, 2011

Final Post- GR

On Wednesday of my last week, I was able to perform the first step of the synthesis.  I was not able to see this step when I first started because the first two-steps were already performed on the sample that we were working on, but it turned out that more starting material was needed so it worked out that I was able to see all of the steps but the second.  On Thursday and Friday, we continued synthesizing and purifying the final product. It was a productive and busy week.

I am definitely going to miss everything about my time at the lab (except the commute, of course).  I had a fantastic time and was able to meet some great people.  I feel that one of the best things about it was that I was able to be in a professional environment while still learning as much as I would be while in a classroom.  Thanks so much to everyone who was involved!  Participated in university level research  was definitely as great as, if not greater than, I thought it would be.  Plus, another added bonus was that I was able to confirm my love of UPenn :)

This past Monday, after my volunteer shift at the hospital, I visited the lab to see how things are going.  I learned that 3.5 out of the 5 grams of the final product have been created and that the synthesis should be completed within a couple of weeks.   I also saw a very early draft of the publication of the class of compounds that I was working on!


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