Thursday, August 11, 2011

Week 5 part 1- Alec Mitchell

Now that my final day is coming, I finally realized how much work I still have to finish.
Today was mostly spent finishing all of my films and recovering quantum dots. Tomorrow will be the final testing. Basically I am going to wash the films with different solutions to determine which would make the best film for solar cells.

A good amount of this week was spent creating a good solution of dots to spin from. I finally got that done today, so it all comes down to the final testing tomorrow.

Also this week: Dr. Peretz came to visit the lab. After showing her around, I got to show her how we spin films in the glove box.

After saying goodbye to one of undergrads who doesn't work on Fridays (my fellow unpaid minion), I realized how much I'm going to miss working in the lab (despite how cheesy that sounds). Well I'll save the final reflections for tomorrow.


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