Monday, June 27, 2011

End of Third Week- GR

I keep forgetting to post my end of week blogs...

The end of this week was pretty awesome (except for the commute home on Friday, which was a disaster). I got to synthesize a brand new compound! It’s called GR-1 and it's one of a series of compounds that the lab is planning to make.  The 40mg sample is going for a characterization on Monday.  I'm pretty excited about it.  Also, I will be going to a bio lab on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday of this week to see the beginning steps of how the compound will be tested for efficacy.

I learned that if you mix dry ice and acetone, you get a -78 degree solution, which is what we used to freeze the solution of GR-1  and water because of the purification techniques.  It was necessary to freeze it because we needed to lyophilize it.  This process is the gentlest way to evaporate water out of your desired compound.  We were lucky that it started working again, because there was a problem with the vacuum for most of the week.  Good stuff.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Gabrielle, Oh the days of 40mg samples! I remember when that was actually a good yield (compared to a friend who got a 9mg yield). Glad to hear that things are going well in the lab, and that you've been taught one of the best chemistry tricks of dry ice in acetone. Next time (if you've got leftover liquid and your labmates allow you) throw in a banana or a flower for a little chem nerd fun!
    Enjoy your last few weeks in the lab!
    Coach Crider
